Able Flight Alumni
What is the Able Flight Alumni group for?
Building A Community
Able Flight pilots have unique experiences in their lives, and in their flight training. This is a home for us all to gather and unify, to better aviation for everyone.
Sharing Experiences
We encounter challenges and overcome them, but we don’t always need to start anew each time. By building up a collective knowledge base, we can learn together and help future Able Flight pilots overcome their challenges easier.
Growing Awareness
Everything we do in aviation is seemingly unique and brings attention. We need to harness this to show the aviation community our capabilities, so that one day we won’t be a novelty.
Able Flight
is an amazing organization that provides flight training opportunities and scholarships to people with disabilities. It is the first step of our aviation journey, but not the last.
From Able Flight:
Able Flight’s mission is to offer people with disabilities a unique way to challenge themselves through flight and aviation career training, and by doing so, to gain greater self-confidence and self-reliance.
Contact Us
To learn more about the Able Flight pilots and to request information about, or access to, our forum.